4 NBA Wagers for Monday Night
4 NBA Wagers

Posted at 3:45 PM EST odds are subject to change.

Pinnacle     BET365    SportsInteraction     888Sport

7:40 PM EST. Brooklyn -9 -101 over L.A. Lakers

8:10 PM EST. Minnesota +102 over Sacramento

8:10 PM EST. San Antonio +6 -102 over Washington

9:10 PM EST. Phoenix -1½ -110 over Toronto

We’re playing four NBA games today and they’re all predicated on the same angle, thus instead of writing them up individually, we’re putting them all in one thread. We’re fading the Lakers, Kings, Wizards and Raps.

We’ll start with the Lakers, who are in the midst of a four-game trip with this being the third stop after they played in Boston on Saturday and then traveled to Brooklyn on Sunday to get ready for this one.

Then there’s the Kings, who traveled to Minnesota to play the T-Wolves on Saturday and will play them again tonight for the second game of their back-to-back games in Minnesota. The Kings have been in Minnesota since Saturday.

Next up is Washington, who will play their fourth game of a five game trip after they played in Dallas and Houston on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively before playing in New Orleans on Saturday. From New Orleans the Wiz flew to San Antonio early Sunday in preparation for this game tonight.

Finally, we have the Raps, who will play the fourth game of their current 7-game trip tonight in Phoenix after games in Sacramento, Golden State and Portland on Friday.

What these four teams have in common is that they have all been on the road for two or more games and we’re sitting around in their hotel rooms yesterday. What did you do yesterday? Watch football with your friends and/or family? Yeah, us, too. Maybe you had a nice spread or a few brews. Maybe it was pizza and a cold soda. Regardless, if you are coming to this website, you likely had an interest in the two NFL Conference Championship games that dominated the sports Sunday. Now, imagine if you are on the road, playing for an NBA team with a full day off with all your buddies around. Also imagine you have all the money in the world with every vice at your disposal and time to kill. How much fun would you have had?

We know not everyone is the same, but an NBA team is a small, close-knit unit. We’re also not suggesting there was nothing but debauchery in the luxury hotel rooms of visiting NBA teams. However, we are suggesting that these guys are guys, just like the rest of us, and they like and watch the same things we do. We all love our families, but how much less stressful would your weekend have been if you were with all your boys and had no responsibilities? Now times that by 1000, and put a little extra cash in your pocket and you can get a sense of what we’re getting at?

Meanwhile, these home teams were not in a position to have as much “fun” as their invaders today. There’s a big difference between watching the game with the fellas and trying to keep an eye on the action as you look after the needs of your wife and kids and perhaps a small group of friends. Sure, a few guys may have got together yesterday, but it’s not the same as a dozen teammates shacking up in a swanky suite in a strange city.

The angle is that these four teams were having the time of their lives on the road yesterday, right smack in the middle of a long and grueling NBA schedule. Beers, great food and who knows what else. We saw all four road teams struggle miserably yesterday under similar circumstances and we’re betting on similar results tonight.

The plays are:

Brooklyn -9 -101 over L.A. Lakers

Minnesota +102 over Sacramento

San Antonio +6 -102 over Washington

Phoenix -1½ -110 over Toronto


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Our Pick

NBA Wagers (Risking 0 units - To Win: 0.00)